Blodgett - Pierce Family --- Family History


Blodgett-Pierce Family History Timeline

This timeline presents major events in our family history in chronological order.
Each underlined text is a link to another page that provides detail about that event.
These event links are either to family pages for an individual or to short essays
that describe major historical events and their impact on our family.

Common Ancestor Relationship Chart

This chart is designed to graphically display the relationship between
the various lines of Blodgett and Pierce families that regulary attend
our annual reunion.

The First Pierce Family Reunion Remembrances 1894

Our Pierce history, as recalled by Maria Pierce Scott and Laura Pierce at the Pierce reunion in 1894
(Maria, Laura, and Enos Allen were the children of Ichabod Pierce and Harriet Bronson).
This document chronicles life in the early 1800's, when the family of Ichabod Pierce first arrived
in Chautauqua County. These are the first written minutes of a Pierce reunion. This document
also contains the names of those present at some of the earlier reunions (1891-1894).
The first Pierce gathering was held in 1885.

Pierce Family Reunion Remembrances by Birt Pierce 1895

These minutes were written by Birt Pierce for the 10th Pierce reunion in 1895.
This may have been the first reunion attended by both Blodgett's and Pierce's.

A Review of the Pierce-Landas-Derby Reunion by Don Blodgett 1991

This is a record of Pierce history and family reunions from 1896 through the 1980's.
It was gathered from various family records and written by Don Blodgett. This summary
shows the different families that held joint reunions at different points in time.
It also details what it was like to attend these earlier reunions.

Katie's Memories of Homemade Ice Cream

Katie Putnam wrote me this story in response to a short tale I sent out as
an email about visiting the site of Luther Leroy Pierce's house on Bear Lake.
Katie is the daughter of Luther Leroy Pierce II and Olive Van Schoonhoven
and the granddaughter of Luther Leroy Pierce and Minnie (Blodgett) Pierce.