Blodgett - Pierce Family --- Early Ancestors

Early American Blodgett Ancestors - (1605-1922)

This descendant chart shows our Blodgett ancestors, starting with Thomas and Susan
Blodgett, the original immigrant to America (who arrived in 1635) and continuing through
Milo and Philo's generation. Although the brothers and sisters of our ancestors are charted,
their descendents are not detailed. Only direct ancestors from our line of the Blodgett
family are covered in detail. The other branches of the Blodgett family are covered in
the book "Ten Generations of Blodgetts in America" by Edwin A. Blodgett.

To View Details for an Indiviual:

Click on the individual's name.
The Early Ancestor Page for the
selected person will be displayed.

To return to the chart, Click Back.

All the lines of the Blodgett family now living in America are the direct descendants of Thomas and Susan Blodgett.

Blodgett genealogy chart - Early Ancestors Thomas and Susan - Click to see family page Samuel and Ruth - Click to see family page Samuel and Huldah - Click to see family page Josiah and Elizabeth - Click to see family page Silas and Abigail - Click to see family page Aaron and Sarah - Click to see family page Abram Stocking and Elizabeth - Click to see family page Aaron Burr and Mary - Click to see family page Milo and Aurelia - Click to see family page Edwin and Lemira - Click to see family page

In the near future, Blodgett descendant charts for Milo and other members of his generation will be accessible
by clicking on arrows located beneath each family member name.