Blodgett - Pierce Family --- Reunion Photos
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This is the earliest Blodgett reunion photo that we have. It was taken at Abram Blodgett's house.
This is the only Blodgett reunion photo we have that shows both Milo and Aurelia (Russ) Blodgett.
Only about 20% of the people in this photo have been identified.
This is the earliest Pierce family reunion photo that we have.
It was held at the home of MR & Mrs George Dorman in Pomfret, NY on Aug. 14, 1899.
Nearly everyone in this photo has been identified.
This reunion was held at Emerson Turk's house around 1910.
Only about 25% of the people in this photo have been identified.
This reunion was held at Lamont Bradford's Howard's home at the end of Berry Road
on Chestnut Street in Fredonia, NY. We think it may be the 1912 reunion.
This reunion was held at Daniel Pierce's home in 1913.
Nearly everyone in this photo has been identified.
This reunion was held at Clarence Howard's home in Stockton, NY on Aug 11, 1916.
Nearly everyone in this photo has been identified.
This is the largest photo we have. It was taken at the 1937 Blodgett reunion at Bear Lake, NY.
Many of the reunions around this time period were held at Luther Leroy Pierce's house on Bear Lake.
Nearly everyone in this photo is identified.
This was taken at the 104th Blodgett, 91st Pierce - Landas reunion, held on August 13, 1978.
These were taken at the 107th Blodgett, 94st Pierce - Landas reunion, held on August 9, 1981.
Luckily there are two photos with people standing in a different arrangement in each photo.
We apparently must have had a "photographer in training" that day.
This photo was taken at the 133rd Blodgett, 121 pierce reunion, held on August 11, 2007 at the
Chautauqua County Fireman's Picnic Grounds in Stockton, NY. Many reunions have been held here
over the years, including the 100th Blodgett reunion in 1974.
This was taken at our reunion, held on August 8, 2008 at the Chautauqua County Fireman's
Picnic Grounds in Stockton, NY. This was the largest reunion in the last few years, with
over 40 people attending.
This was taken at our 2009 reunion, held on August 9, 2009 at the Chautauqua County Fireman's
Picnic Grounds in Stockton, NY. We had many attendees from out of state. Some came from
as far away as Florida and Texas.

These were taken at our last reunion, held on August 7, 2010 at the Chautauqua County Fireman's
Picnic Grounds in Stockton, NY. This was a very well attended event. We had attendees from
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Florida, Illinois, and Texas.
These photos were taken at our 2011 reunion, held on August 6, 2011 at the Chautauqua County
Fireman's Picnic Grounds in Stockton, NY. We had many attendees from out of state. Quite a few
came from Florida.
This was taken at our 2012 reunion, held on August 11, 2012 at the Chautauqua County Fireman's
Picnic Grounds in Stockton, NY. We had a light turnout this year. Only about 25 people attended.
Those who attended got a newly reprinted copy of the Blodgett-Pierce reunion book that was given
out at our 100th reunion in 1974. Those attending next year will have a second chance to get a copy.
So plan to attend. Let's make the next year's photo a really big one!